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The Upper Arroscia Valley is an inland area of western Liguria, a geographical and at the same time an administrative entity. Its territory faces the Arroscia river as soon as the Albenga plain gives way to the hills and closes the province of Imperia to the north.

A green valley between the Alps and the sea that is unique since it develops along the east-west axis and in particular because of this orography protected to the west and north by the highest peaks of the Ligurian Alps and to the east and south subject to a slightly dampened marine influence.

It is a heavily man-made valley, in which the millennia-long human work of care, maintenance and sustainable exploitation of the land , has extended from altitudes as low as 200 m above sea level up to 1,500 m. With patience, measure and effort, our ancestors shaped the land by "stealing" soil from the landslides to obtain cultivable areas. Their heroic struggle against a stingy, impervious and often adverse nature has bequeathed us a unique landscape, indelibly marked by miles of dry-stone walls and priceless stone artifacts.

A multi-colored and human-scale territory that embraces in a breath alpine peaks, meadows, forests, cultivated hills, vineyards and olive groves and lower down, in the background the sea. A valley capable of providing an all-round experience to those who have the pleasure and privilege of discovering it.


We live in a valley stingy with land but generous with agri-food excellences. Many are its niche products: extra-virgin olive oil, taggiasche olives in their versions (pickled, pitted, olive pâté), Vessalico garlic with its variations and derivatives, cheeses, honey, saffron, lavender, potatoes, beans, persimmons, figs and last but not least, wine: Ormeasco, Pigato and Vermentino.

The products we offer under the D'Arroscia brand are grown exclusively in the Arroscia Valley area in the most natural and sustainable way possible. We do not use any artificial chemical products that are not allowed, especially no poisons, no pesticides and no substances that can harm you and the environment.

Our direction is toward organic farming.





Vessalico garlic
